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- Tips for students
Tips for students
- Students must regularly attend the school in full uniform.
- They must speak English in the school premises.
- They should be docile, punctual, clean, neat and hard working. They should take good care of their belongings. The school authorities do not accept any responsibility for the loss of books, clothes, money, tiffin carrier etc.
- All students must keep their books and copies etc. clean, neatly covered with brown paper with their names written on them.
- Every student shall bring the school handbook daily. They should show to their parents any information or requests conveyed to the parents through the handbook by the Principal or Teachers and get their signature.
- The students have to bring their tiffin with them. Lunch or any eatables brought by others will not be allowed to reach the students for various reasons.
- Students should take special care of the school property. Any damage done should be reported to the Class Teacher or the Principal and should be made good by the one who damaged it.
- Students are not allowed to use mobile phone in the School campus. A student whose behaviour is injurious to the moral tone of the school or is incompatible with good discipline is liable to be removed from the school.
- The school reserves the right to suspend or dismiss a student for irregular attendance, habitual failure to do one's duty, unbecoming behaviour, conduct unacceptable to the moral tone of the school, insubordination to authority etc.
- Students shall not wear gold ornaments, bracelets, bangles, rings, costly and fancy earrings, decorative hairpins and other such accessories as a matter of discipline.
- Students are expected to take active part in the co curricular activities, educational tours, picnic etc. arranged by the school.
- All students are expected to be in the school at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time for the assembly. Pupils coming late will not be admitted to classes. Pupils are strictly forbidden to leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal.
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