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- Rules to follow
Rules to follow
- Irregularity in attending school is a major disruptive force in student life. It leads to a lack of sustained interest in studies. It also isolates a student from his/her companions for h/eshe misses opportunities for shared work and fun. Hence, the school takes a serious view of parents who do not ensure their ward's regular attendance.
- Students are accountable to the school authorities for their behaviour both in school and out of school, particularly when they are in their school uniform.
- Parents of students are expected to regularly check with the class teacher about the behaviour of their wards. Every student should cover a minimum of75% attendance for each term.
- If a student is found outside the school premises during working hours without the written permission of the school authorities, the Principal will be forced to take strict disciplinary action which, if deemed fit by the management, may lead to expulsion.
- Application for T.C. has to be given in writing to the Principal by parent/guardian at least a week in advance. No T.C. or any certificate will be issued till all the school dues are paid full. The fee for T.C. is Rs. 100.
- Application for leave of absence for three or more days should be made on a paper to the Principal, well in advance stating the reason, number of days and the same should be got sanctioned from the Principal's Office.
- Leaves for shorter duration should be entered in the Leave Absence Record pages of the Handbook with the signature of the signature of the Parent / Guardian. If due to emergency, leave could not be applied for earlier, the same should be done when the student joins after leave, using the Leave Absence Record page.
- A student returning to school after an infectious disease should produce a Doctor's certificate permitting her/him to join the school.
- If a student is absent without application for leave for more than 15 days, her/ his name will be struck off from the rolls and readmission, if granted, will be done as per the rules of admission.
- Withdrawal of children for mere social functions is not recommended since it retards the students' progress in school and minimizes their respect for regular hard work.
- No pupil will be sent home during the class hours.
Summer-April to October:
Monday to Friday : 7.50 am. to 2.00 pm.
Saturday : 7.50am. to 11 am.
Winter- Nov. Dec. Feb. March:
Monday to Friday : 8.20 a.m. to 2.30 pm.
Saturday : 8.20 a.m. to 11.30 pm.
Extreme Winter- January:
Monday to Friday : 8.50 a.m. to 3. 00 pm.
Saturday : 8.50 a.m. to 12.00 pm.
Summer : 8.00 a.m to 12.30 p.m.
Winter : 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
* The Principal can be met on all working days by appointment or during the time given below:
Summer - 8.30 to 9.30am
Winter – 9.00 to 10.00 am
- Promotion is granted on the basis of whole year's work of the pupil. There will be two Terminal Examinations and four Unit Tests. The average marks of the examinations and tests are taken into consideration and only the student who secures an average of 40% per subject will be promoted.
- Those who fail to appear for examination in any subject will be marked absent. In case of serious illness an application along with a report of a medical practitioner shall be submitted before the exam. No re-exam will be allowed.
- Promotion of students who have been absent from examinations due to illness or other reasons for which permission was granted by Principal, will be considered on the basis of their academic record in the school. Those who forego both of the Terminal Exams will not be considered for promotion.
- Parents / Guardians are requested to examine the Progress Report of their wards and return it duly signed by them, to the Class Teacher within three days.
- Signature found in the Progress Report should be identical with the specimen signature found in the handbook.
- Those who lose or damage the Progress Report shall pay a fine of Rs.100/- for a fresh Report.
- For the issue of any certificate other than the T.C. a fee of Rs.20/- will be charged.
- Result declared at the end of the year is final in all the cases and will not be reconsidered, nor will the answer papers be shown.
- The evaluation of the answer scripts of the examinations and other works done by the students during the academic year are within the jurisdiction of the school and therefore an outside person or authority has no jurisdiction to check, scrutinize or claim back the answer scripts or any work done by the students.
- Students who fail to obtain promotion for two consecutive years should make their seats available for hard working students by leaving the school.
- Pupils are expected to put in 90% of attendance as required by the code.
- Students must regularly attend the school in full uniform.
- They must speak English in the school premises.
- They should be docile, punctual, clean, neat and hard working. They should take good care of their belongings. The school authorities do not accept any responsibility for the loss of books, clothes, money, tiffin carrier etc.
- All students must keep their books and copies etc. clean, neatly covered with brown paper with their names written on them.
- Every student shall bring the school handbook daily. They should show to their parents any information or requests conveyed to the parents through the handbook by the Principal or Teachers and get their signature.
- The students have to bring their tiffin with them. Lunch or any eatables brought by others will not be allowed to reach the students for various reasons.
- Students should take special care of the school property. Any damage done should be reported to the Class Teacher or the Principal and should be made good by the one who damaged it.
- Students are not allowed to use mobile phone in the School campus. A student whose behaviour is injurious to the moral tone of the school or is incompatible with good discipline is liable to be removed from the school.
- The school reserves the right to suspend or dismiss a student for irregular attendance, habitual failure to do one's duty, unbecoming behaviour, conduct unacceptable to the moral tone of the school, insubordination to authority etc.
- Students shall not wear gold ornaments, bracelets, bangles, rings, costly and fancy earrings, decorative hairpins and other such accessories as a matter of discipline.
- Students are expected to take active part in the co curricular activities, educational tours, picnic etc. arranged by the school.
- All students are expected to be in the school at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time for the assembly. Pupils coming late will not be admitted to classes. Pupils are strictly forbidden to leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal.
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