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- Promotion is granted on the basis of whole year's work of the pupil. There will be two Terminal Examinations and four Unit Tests. The average marks of the examinations and tests are taken into consideration and only the student who secures an average of 40% per subject will be promoted.
- Those who fail to appear for examination in any subject will be marked absent. In case of serious illness an application along with a report of a medical practitioner shall be submitted before the exam. No re-exam will be allowed.
- Promotion of students who have been absent from examinations due to illness or other reasons for which permission was granted by Principal, will be considered on the basis of their academic record in the school. Those who forego both of the Terminal Exams will not be considered for promotion.
- Parents / Guardians are requested to examine the Progress Report of their wards and return it duly signed by them, to the Class Teacher within three days.
- Signature found in the Progress Report should be identical with the specimen signature found in the handbook.
- Those who lose or damage the Progress Report shall pay a fine of Rs.100/- for a fresh Report.
- For the issue of any certificate other than the T.C. a fee of Rs.20/- will be charged.
- Result declared at the end of the year is final in all the cases and will not be reconsidered, nor will the answer papers be shown.
- The evaluation of the answer scripts of the examinations and other works done by the students during the academic year are within the jurisdiction of the school and therefore an outside person or authority has no jurisdiction to check, scrutinize or claim back the answer scripts or any work done by the students.
- Students who fail to obtain promotion for two consecutive years should make their seats available for hard working students by leaving the school.
- Pupils are expected to put in 90% of attendance as required by the code.
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