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Tips for Parents
- The parents are earnestly requested to cooperate with the school. They should insist on their children's regular attendance at school and punctuality. They must help them to do their homework and prepare their lessons daily.
- Remarks made in the diary should be seen and countersigned regularly.
- Good education is the joint effort of the school and parents. Parents should attend Parents Teachers meetings regularly along with their wards and keep a good rapport with the teachers. Many of the problems which the child or parents face can be solved in PTMs.
- If parents have any complaint, it can be noted in the Parents' Notes pages of the school handbook and ask their child to show it to the Class Teacher or subject teacher.
- Once a student comes to school, s/he will not be allowed to leave the school before the day's classes are over. Requests for half-day or short leave will not be accepted.
- In the context of an emergency, parents sending their delegate to collect their ward should send an authority letter with the person, giving all the particulars about the bearer.
- In writing to the school about your ward, please always mention his/her full name, class and section.
- Parents/Guardians requested not to enter the classroom. They have to take the permission of the Principal to contact the teacher and children during the school hours. Criticism of students, teachers or school in the presence of children should be avoided.
- Children are attracted to even trifle things, which they would try to acquire for themselves. If your ward brings home anything from the school without the teachers' knowledge, send it back the next day itself and inform the school authorities. It will have its own reward in the child's later life.
- Parents / Guardians are especially requested to inform the school, whenever there is a change in the address or phone number.
- If the student sustains any injury by way of accident or in games during the time s/he spends in the school, first aid will be provided in the school and for any injury which needs specialized medical attention s/he may be sent to the nearest medical practitioner and information will be given to the parents. The school shall not be liable to any further claims.
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